The Bertelsmann Executive Board, together with selected executives from the Group, constitutes the Group Management Committee (GMC). Led by Thomas Rabe, the GMC reflects Bertelsmann’s diversity and internationality, as well as its most important markets. The GMC advises and supports the Executive Board on important matters of corporate strategy and development, and other Group-wide topics.
Executive Board
Thomas Rabe
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann and Chief Executive Officer of RTL Group
Carsten Coesfeld
Member of the Executive Board of Bertelsmann
Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann Investments
Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann Investments
Thomas Coesfeld
Member of the Executive Board of Bertelsmann
Chief Executive Officer of BMG
Chief Executive Officer of BMG
Rolf Hellermann
Chief Financial Officer of Bertelsmann
Immanuel Hermreck
Chief Human Resources Officer of Bertelsmann
Group Management Committee
Jan Altersten
Chief Executive Officer of Riverty
Andreas Barth
Chief Executive Officer of Riverty
Núria Cabutí
Chief Executive Officer of Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Matthias Dang
Chief Commercial, Technology and Data Officer of RTL Deutschland
Elmar Heggen
Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of RTL Group
Dirk Kemmerer
Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann Marketing Services
Kay Krafft
Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann Education Group
David Larramendy
Chief Executive Officer of Groupe M6
Annabelle Yu Long
Managing Partner of Bertelsmann Asia Investments
Nihar Malaviya
Chief Executive Officer of Penguin Random House
Shobhna Mohn
Chief Strategy Officer of Bertelsmann Investments
Steven Moran
Chief Partnership Officer and Chief Learning Officer of Bertelsmann
Jennifer Mullin
Chief Executive Officer of Fremantle
Gail Rebuck
Group Creative Coordinator
Frank Schirrmeister
Chief Executive Officer of Arvato
Karin Schlautmann
Executive Vice President Corporate Communications of Bertelsmann
Stephan Schmitter
Chief Executive Officer of RTL Deutschland