Corporate Responsibility

At Bertelsmann, responsible, entrepreneurial conduct is an integral part of the corporate culture. In its corporate responsibility management, Bertelsmann pursues the goal of harmonizing the economic, social and ecological interests of its internal and external stakeholders as best as possible.

This attitude is enshrined in the company’s core values, the Bertelsmann Essentials: “We take responsibility in society and for our environment – with the goal of shaping a better future.”

On this basis, the company works continuously on the strategic further development of its corporate responsibility (CR) and Group-wide reporting on ESG topics (ESG stands for “Environmental,” “Social” and “Governance”). ESG represents also an enabler for the corporate strategy – alongside People, Communication and Tech & Data.

The Bertelsmann Corporate Responsibility Council, the Group’s advisory body for ESG, regularly brings together executives from the divisions under the leadership of the Chief Human Resources Officer. Together, they set Group-wide goals, advance material topics and ensure a cross-divisional coordination of CR management. At Group level, the Corporate Responsibility department coordinates and supports the work of the CR Council in close cooperation with other Group functions. CR projects and measures are implemented by the divisions and companies in line with Bertelsmann’s corporate structure.

On our CR website, you can learn more about what drives us, how we take responsibility, and what Bertelsmann, its divisions and companies around the world are doing:

Integrity & Compliance

Bertelsmann has established a comprehensive Integrity & Compliance program and appointed a Corporate Compliance Committee (CCC). The Integrity & Compliance department is responsible for putting this topic into action in the organization. It supports the CCC in fulfilling its tasks and informs employees about key legal provisions as well as internal company guidelines. The program’s effectiveness is ensured through regular evaluation and risk-oriented adjustments.

Building on the Bertelsmann Essentials, the foundational document is Bertelsmann’s Code of Conduct, which sets out the obligation for all employees to behave with integrity and in accordance with the law. Additional guidelines or rules of conduct have been issued on key topics such as anti-corruption, antitrust law, foreign trade, and business partner compliance. Employees receive comprehensive training and counsel, and compliance violations are not tolerated. Suspected violations are investigated immediately, and any verifiably detected violations are remedied without delay.

Further information about Integrity & Compliance at Bertelsmann can be found online at:

Banned Books Commitment from Penguin Random House

Banned Books Commitment from Penguin Random House

In 2023, Penguin Random House took a variety of actions to support freedom of expression and to oppose the ban of certain books in US school libraries. In the United States, the company supported the initiative “Unbanned Book Club,” which provides access to books that have been banned from US school libraries. This censorship affects works on the topics of racism, gender and sexual orientation in particular, many of which are written by people of color and LGBTQ+ authors. In this context, a network of open, accessible book-exchange boxes by the non-profit organization Little Free Library was stocked with banned books provided for free by Penguin Random House and HarperCollins.

In cooperation with the Freedom to Read Foundation, the writers’ association PEN America and the reading initiative Little Free Library, the company also took part in the “Banned Books Week.” The “Banned Book Wagon” from Penguin Random House traveled through the southern states of the United States, specifically in regions where a particularly large number of books are being removed – i.e., banned – from public libraries, allegedly considered undesirable or objectionable.

In addition, Penguin Random House, PEN America, authors and parents of affected children filed a lawsuit against book bans in school libraries in Florida. Another lawsuit filed jointly with the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) was directed against a newly passed law in Iowa on this topic.
eMore about Banned Books at Penguin Random House

Banned Books Commitment from Penguin Random House

International Switch to Green Electricity at Arvato

International Switch to Green Electricity at Arvato

International Switch to Green Electricity at Arvato

Since 2023, Arvato has sourced its electricity almost exclusively from renewable energy sources in accordance with Bertelsmann's Electricity Procurement Guideline. The switch to green electricity has already saved more than 20,000 tons of CO2 compared to 2018 – the base year for the company’s climate targets. The switch to green electricity took place internationally; in some countries, such as Germany, the switch was achieved through simple tariff changes, while in others, such as Turkey, China or Poland, it was necessary to purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

Arvato also increasingly expanded its in-house power generation and currently has 19 photovoltaic systems worldwide. In 2023, further plants were added at the German sites in Düren and Dorsten, and with an expansion in Poland.
eEnvironmental Sustainability at Arvato

Bertelsmann-Wide Initiative to Promote Mental Health

Bertelsmann launched its second Group-wide initiative “Mental Health in Focus” to promote the mental health of all employees. Upon the initiative’s launch on World Mental Health Day, October 10, 2023, Bertelsmann provided a wide range of information and offerings (e.g., training, resource recommendations, author interviews) for employees and managers. The three-week initiative was developed in collaboration with the health experts from Bertelsmann's divisions and communicated extensively. With this initiative, Bertelsmann emphasizes its shared responsibility for the mental health of its employees and creates momentum for raising awareness of this pervasive issue.
eHealthy self-care and staff care at Bertelsmann eMore about the Mental Health Initiative

Bertelsmann-Wide Initiative to Promote Mental Health